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Robert E. Donaldson Th.D.

Published by
World Wide Web Witness Inc.



November  2000

ISBN 0 9578 146 6 6

The Middle East is in wrath and ruin
The Midlands of Mankind are in turmoil

The Mind of God is in writing for our purposes

The Solution is Salvation in Christ
the Lord

whose are all lands,
literal and metaphorical,
rational and spiritual,
and whose is all truth.

Alternatives: ZERO


This is a time when the Jew-Arab, the Judaistic-Islam confrontation is especially fierce. Since they are both wrong, as shown here, there is no solution. You can look for a Captain in your side, but if in fact NO team member has what it needed, there is no solution.

Then you simply have to look elsewhere.

Unfortunately, this is regarded, at the present moment, as an option by NONE of the participants, to which we may add, of course, those who are Muslim in general national disposition, but not in strict requirement, to a more or less degree! Nor is it by the Roman Catholic body (cf. SMR pp. 1042-1088H), which is likewise astray, and not about to change, in any noticeable way, at least.

Nor is it any more so in the UN, which has such knowledge and powerlessness so often, but may begin to look for more results, and which as shown below, has so signally ignored the realities of the Jewish situation as to raise serious questions to the thoughtful. One answer ? it might not be entirely correct, and may apply only marginally, but it is certainly possible, especially in that hinterland of the mind of man, where unconscious motives, if Christ is not in control, can readily play.

What is this ? What might be this reason for the UN’s astonishingly partiality in face of the evidence we shall see in these pages ? SO LONG as GOD has a book in which HE claims a SPECIAL (not merely generic, to ALL humans) relationship with ANYONE, this is offensive to those who want to run the thing EX-GOD, or at the very last, without any god who is a nuisance, has ANYTHING specific to say which is the determinant. HOW can GOD be the determinant if MAN insists on being so himself! You had precisely this problem as you see in the New Testament, with the Jewish priests (that is those who, unlike that large body of them mentioned in Acts 6:7, did not in fact become believers - and even with these, before they were in due time  converted). THEY were for one thing envious (Matthew 27:18, Mark 15:10, John 12:48ff.). The last reference is especially chilling and illuminating, since it indicates that they had THEIR OWN solution and mere truth and power from God, mercy and peace were not enough! THEY had a program; it HAD to be fulfilled by THEIR thoughts.

However, as God says in Isaiah 55, "MY THOUGHTS are not your thoughts, Nor are YOUR ways MY ways!" (emph. added) - putting the former higher than our own as the heavens above the earth! And small wonder… HE made both them and us.

It is only at peril that one does not realise that the Jews were instalment ONE of rebellion, and the GENTILES are simply instalment two. If the Jews IN the world have been disciplined by God, then the Gentiles OF the world will receive no less in the end. Another Jesus, another gospel and another spirit are mere contumacy and licence, folly and disorder, as well as the most dangerous innovation. When you innovate with your Maker, you are all but literally, unmade! Or undone!

While ‘undone’ is not current idiom for the triumph of the catastrophic, it is still expressive. Imagine a car fighting with its manufacture, by means of its computerised equipment, despite the fact that this was made for it. It is simply … disorder. It wrecks things, on the one hand; and attests dysfunction on the other. Called sin, this needs remedy. The righteous remedy rejected scenario must labour under one extreme harassment, whether in the life of any individual sinner on this earth, or in a nation or people, or religion: there is no other remedy. The celestial remedy from the divine source is the ransom of Christ, as free as birth to us, but not to Him (Matthew 20:28, Gal. Chs. 3, 5).

Error without remedy TAKEN, indeed, spells the convolutions, clamours and catastrophes of current history, so obtrusive in the contemporary state of the world. Hell differs. It becomes error without remedy AVAILABLE. It is not a sudden and erratic thing; but human spirits being limited, there is a time as God says, when it is enough. That is, He declared, My Spirit will not always strive with man, since he also is flesh. In the end, if you want darkness in the presence of light, it is available. But darkness ? it lacks brightness.

As a preliminary,
there follow
some of the sites for study
of the Israeli
and Middle East Issues in Biblical Perspective,
with Practical Outcomes
including News in view.

SMR Chs. 8, and 9
Barbs, Arrows and Balms 13
Barbs, Arrows and Balms 17
(further development of the above, with reference to the underlying gospel, never absent)

The Biblical Workman Chs. 1  3 (including Paul's Olive Tree of Romans 11),   7

together with

News Items

4,  6,  9,  14,


32,  33,  34,  36,  38,  39,




101A 108,

115 123,  129
  See further at NEWS, the fuller list of News Items on Israel, together with more information on detailed coverages.

You may also consult News Items 130, 131 below, as also the INDEXES, SMR and the Other, for some of the nations of the Middle East, and other facets, such as the Temple; and OTHER RELIGIONS for information in that line.


Chapter One

         (News 108)
July 2000

The Middle East has the same LORD!

Chapter Two

(News 129 - relating in part to material shown in the USA on Friday October 19, 2000)

Sacrificial Children... ?
in Palestinian Rage

Chapter Three
           (News 130, Oct. 31, 2000)
 After Belsen, what ?

Chapter Four
        (News 131, Oct. 23, 00)
Is there ANY sorrow
like MINE!
Speaking of the last spot of blood ...
in the pallors of Palestine that was,
Israel that is and was... Time Magazine, Oct. 23, p. 53

Chapter Five

Poor Calvin! Poor Palestine... But you are rich!
US Election Week,

ABC News, November 8 and on,
and Calvin and Hobbes Cartoon

Chapter Six

The Ambush of Ambon
The Snare of 'I Know what you did Last Summer'
and the Net for Jerusalem

(New Life, Nov. 9, 2000, Channel 9, Nov. 10, 2000 and ... ongoing)

Chapter Seven

Musings on the Middle East
Considerations in Couplets!

It is no travesty, but truth to say that the Middle East is
a Middle Yeast, filled with workings,
startings, endings, and facing the way.

Man and the Middle East are like an egg and its shell.
Currently that shell is broken, and the contents are spilling.

Part I - as above - the first 20

Part II
the second 20

Chapter Eight

Christ and His Detractors
Collision with Words and then Nails

Genesis of turmoil in the Middle East
in its culmination

Chapter Nine

Love, Liberty,
Stricture and Structure

Necessities in the Middle East,
par excellence, but not there alone


The Everlasting Pity of It

The Jaded Jangling of Racial appetites
and the word of God

the dispositions of God
in the earth
and the gospel of Christ
in the heart


are sour substitutes for the PRINCE OF PEACE