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on Love, Liberty, Predestination and Destination,

Schema, Solutions and Certainty

Brief Review

Today, let us deal pithily with some aspects of the above, and marvel at the entire adequacy of the biblical depiction systematically in this sphere, indeed at something of its uniqueness beyond all ever presented to man in the name of God, both as data and as logically complete penetration of the deep issues involved. This the Bible does, and has done for thousands of years, and though these things have often been presented on this site (cf. the Predestination Heptad), in this current volume a terse reminder is in order.

One of the more recent presentations verging on these topics is to be found in the work, Not Only is God Great, but Glorious, in Ch. 6. A substantially expanded excerpt is provided below, and a reading of that Chapter might be appropriate before the following, for facility.

No wonder Paul was moved to write this, "God forbid that I should glory except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified to me and I to the world," (Galatians 6:14). This is not mere greatness; it is glory, a unique combination of such things as divine grace, love, mercy, goodness, self-control, self-discipline, patience, power, plan, prevailing, so that in the resurrection of that self-same body, there is the attestation that demonstrates that the power to raise the dead before crucifixion, as notably in Lazarus and the son of the widow of Nain,  was sustained in truth IN the crucifixion (Romans 1:4). This included the overthrow of its false and injudicious death judgment, in the ultimate manner possible: namely actual total and overpowering resurrection from the dead*1, and this in a way which attested its divine creative power, leaving even the guards talking blindly, as if stunned, about disciples stealing the body, in excuse of failure to stop them, as their testimony, while admitting being asleep! Stunned is the word!

As to the crucifixion, planned as in Isaiah 53, Psalm 22, opportunity for God to supply pardon to those receiving this redemption, it carried out what He had in mind, as He used the evil to secure the good: fitting for the infinite wisdom which is His (cf. I Corinthians 2:7-9). The self-serving design of the polluted prelates in Jerusalem (John 11:47-53) was defeated by that combination of love (to perform the atonement for those receiving it as in Isaiah 53:1-6), purity (so that no sin was His very one, for which to atone, leaving Him  free to cover that of others) and power (so that the power of creation was aroused in this resurrection in wonder of the slain Saviour), all of which is that of God alone. Lash as it would, subdue as it might, the corruption and murder of man was itself subdued, so that the Healer Himself smote death like an axe-man a stripling, and cut it down both to size and to remove it. In very abundance of result, this removed for HIS people the fear of death, rather an opportunity when the work is done (Philippians 1:23)

It was not, as Peter declared at Pentecost, even possible for death to hold Him (Acts 2:24), this magnificent Messiah: that was all planned, and death was as real in sin-bearing, transferred guilt, as any, but as ineffectual for Him  as for all who would receive this remarkable remedy, and rejoice forever in the solution to sin, manufactured in history by God, foreknown before it, intended from the first, effectual to the last (Ephesians 1:11,John 5:24, 4:14, Galatians 6:14, Genesis 3:15).

What then of this  miscreancy of the cross, invented by man but prepared for deliverance of man, by God ? That in the wisdom of God (I Corinthians 1) was precisely what He foreknow and even planned as part of His own plan for rescue of man (cf. Hebrews 2:1-3). It is quite impossible to outwit God, even in trying to spoil His plan for acquittal, in a guile and folly inestimable. In the end, it is only the man who in multitudes is chronically desirous of autonomy, of rejecting all appeal, entreaty, practical  love, grace and goodness: it is only he that is not reached (John 3:19);  for it is God who envelops all with an understanding which includes the very creation of time which is as a surface before Him before it begins in our sphere (Romans 8:36-39), it is He who knows His own (II Timothy 2:19) before they come to life in time.

The Lord knows them, beyond the complex ramifications of sin and the variations which the pathological spirit with it brings in wickedness, into  the creation (cf. Romans 8:17ff.), along with judgment.


His knowledge is pure;


His foreknowledge is with that same love
that Christ displayed in Luke 19:42ff., Matthew 23:37ff.  (cf. SMR Appendix B);


and it is by His own penetration and then the accompanying fiat
(divine foreknowledge past the works of man,
logically leading on to divine predestination),


which ensures that the reality is not twisted.

Thus John 3:19 indeed applies, and His love is amplified in the demonstration on the Cross to match the articulation in John, concerning it, as indeed in matched in Colossians 1:19ff., on the scope of these divine things.

Some come; but others come into bloom in the efflorescence of their own greatness, and perish in dreams (cf. Jeremiah 23).

This too, though it might appear as frustration for the Almighty, is not so: for the NEED of God for His own part,  is zero, and His kindness is as kindness is, not force or farce, but an outgoing, an outreach, a readiness to make for the image-of-God creation, what is becoming and best for it.

Thus if liberty is to be held intact and meaningful in the making of the IMAGE of God (II  Corinthians 3:17), then assuredly it is in the restoration of man to what is the equivalent of his created condition. NO! is a possible answer, by man (cf. Acts 7:51), even a multiple and multi-partite answer! It is in line with the actual nature of the creation that he has this option. He was created to have it; and indeed, without it, love is but a word. It has no reality.

In the image of God, man is not aborted in this splendid gift of liberty concerning his destination, his love, his desire; and though sin has challenged it, God has so acted as to keep its reality concerning all,   visible to Himself, so that He is the ONLY Saviour, not only in plan, but in wisdom, knowledge, purity of principle and totally effective outreach to find where love has reached, and what the boundless purity of divine grace has secured.

Some, then, with this in view, still  in effect,  as known to God beyond and before history, responded with the word, the spirit, the attitude: NO! Even if yes came near to being th eir response, yet their  PREFERENCE was for darkness. Maybe some thought of becoming its light, so grand is the arrogance to which man so readily falls a victim.

In this, the human response discerned by God, it is like marriage; drawn as you may be to another, it is one whom you prefer. God knows; He foreknows; and so does He predestine with the assurance of truth and right, the uttermost outreach of His love (Colossians 1:19ff.).

Those rejecting Him in spirit,  were known as preferring darkness to light, and so inherited the result, as in Ezekiel 47, where the waters of life reached some miry places.

To be  sure, God knowing all, knew where the NO would be and where, on the other hand,  the acceptance of His grace. He knows and before all time and events,  has known who are His (II Timothy 2:19, Ephesians 1:4, Romans 8:29ff.). This does not FORCE the issue, but enables force to be, as with love it must be, irrelevant. Again, sin pollutes, and in his own sinful nature, as a fallen type of being, born now that way, man is blinded by his very divergence, concerning the knowledge of the needful realities of God  (I Corinthians 2:14). Distortion as in astigmatism or cataract, comes here, there, in this subtle or blatant way or that. However if man is blinded (Ephesians 4:17-19, Matthew 13:15ff.), God is not so bound. He can intimate and infiltrate and bring thoughts to the mind, and activate the very dead. He does this with the motivation of love and the penetration of truth.

After all, as in Hebrews 6, there are some who taste heavenly things and the power of the world to come, and yet flippant or flipping, never swallow, and this never reaches to the heart. Yet it is not only this which transpires, as God may elect to bring it forth in some measure in history, but the original foreknowledge which inspires the position. God KNOWS who prefers darkness (John 3:19), even in terms of the situation where the light of Christ has come (John 3:19), and it is this which is the final differential: divine foreknowledge of TRUTH, in the face of the extent of His love (Colossians 1:19ff.), and of love which does not selfishly seek its own, but in beauty, seeks what it may find.

Such is His own, who lacking nothing in psyche, soul, Spirit or actuality of any sort, kind or degree, operates truthfully, without prejudice, lie or defect - for who would have made the defect-containing system to which He would otherwise be subject! Then THAT would be God. It is useless to delay on the way, and logically necessary to deal with the God that reason attests, and revelation confirms, not side-shows, so validating reason and moving on to verifying  God Himself, through His own word, as well.

God knows. God knew. All of this concerning man, then,  the Lord knew before creation.

Predestination, then, secures the result which in all integrity was foreknown. You will never find God feeble or bewildered! None is lost who would come, none is gained who would not come: truth prevails, and disease, dilution, pollution does not. God knows how to deal with a polluted creation, both before our times and during them, and nothing hinders Him in this. It is His plan. He may elect when furious spuriousness spumes, as it did with Pharaoh, or when the case is as in Hebrews 6 or 10, where the love of the truth is not received, but instead made a toy or torment,  so permitting relevant disease to attest the residue of such rebellion even against deliverance, in ruin. They trifle, they fall; they mask intake, they fail.

Delusion can become (II Thess. 2:10-11), as in delirium tremens, the result of such toying. In a tangential point of contact, we find for example that Never play with reality was the sound word in one of Le Carré's books, a word of caution. Disruption of reality can have results in the domain of the lie. It is never wise for ANY purpose to tell a lie, to invest in such a scenario.  Reality whether in science or psyche must be sought without corrosive, corruptive or delusive self-affirmation in various exclusions. Truth is one, and many modes are there to find it; spoil any, and you are near to foiling: foiling what ? why what but your own integrity! Is it not enough to sin, but must a man toil to spoil ? to continue spoilage! to spoil salvation for himself, or a woman for herself! You take it or leave it, and vacillation and trifling merely mar the saving surface, as it were, compound the condition.

Whether in deliverance or departure of the ultimately and initially unwilling, God knows what He is doing even when we do not! Saving faith takes what is offered with confidence. It does not deal with dubieties and vacillation. As is the title of one of the volumes in this, our domain, Let God be God! , it is necessary for clear results to take clear steps. Do not therefore maul the reality with tired and untrue thoughts, but learn ... It is in learning from Him and His word, in leaning on Him and His word, that rest is to be found. That as in Hebrews 4, is one of the ingredients of the rest of spirit, in those found (this a GIFT of truth in love, as in Matthew 11:27ff.).

In this, it is even more important to FIND IT OUT, in life, than in thought; though both apply. TASTE AND SEE that the Lord is good, and swallow the therapy, the goodness in Christ who died the just for the unjust to bring us to God. Don't just sniff the lamb; but take the Lamb of God slain for the sin of the world and offered selectively to faith, foreknown, for all sought, for many not to be found. Adequate for all, desired for all (Colossians 1:19ff.), this sacrifice is excluded where force is to induce it (which is not an ingredient or companion of love or faith), or manipulation in man is to secure it. Truth like love, in God does not waver.





One aspect then of these issues which needs emphasis follows, and its basis is given over the 7 volumes of the Predestination Heptad frequently;  and here in summary.

NO liberty is possible for man seen in separation from the One who made him; he is not a free being EXCEPT where there is God for reference and involvement. There is no escape from a subordination of spirit for man to the point of making his significance a thing of nothing, of him, a nonentity, a foolish manipulator who tells you the truth, and then expects you to believe him when he declares, whether directly or indirectly, that there is no truth; as if his presentation is not mere self-contradictory rubbish. Man is like that. He acts often as if confusion were his best friend, and unruly talk his natural mode.

Man is often driven to such intellectual follies by the whirl-pool of mind set up by WANTING to be even more than he actually is, and not being ABLE to set up the conditions to make it possible. Over and over, whether in his own Faustian-type soul, or through the work of others, he grasps for control if not ownership of the creation, of life. He may use political media, psychological ones, or plain force, which is usually involved in the end, if not at the first; but he ends in his quite frequent deterministic dreams, with just such an impasse. Truth CANNOT be impelled by mere force; love is ALIEN to mere force. Reality cannot be produced by its distortion. So he just uses force anyway, possibly in fear, perhaps in frustration, as in China (cf. News 97, 98), even when the dream is so modified as to lack anything but history. On the irrationalities of determinism,  see further in Repent or Perish Ch. 7, for example.

Liberty is possible only when there is above the  self-hood of man, the spiritual-creator of the same, the institutor of man. He only has infinite knowledge,  as shown in SMR for example. This present presentation, we recall is a summary phase of our analysis. This Creator, this God is able to keep - above the ruins of man's limits and excesses, deceits and self-deceits, limited understanding and aptitude for confusion - the very truth itself. Thus as before Him, it is ensured that what is seen is not an attempt by man  to present the case through a psychic cloud of irrationality and wishful thinking, distorted aspirations and perceptions. Man then is not then limited to vast regressions and recesses and crevasses of myriads of influences, each building on or with others, till his very self being submerged, he becomes a spiritual nonentity. He is foreknown by God, before time etched cavities in his soul, habit formed abscesses in mind or desire distorted truth, hiding the same from his very soul!

With God, disease is not king, and delusion in man is not effective. He knows the truth. Thus It is not that sort of multiply dented man that autonomously decides (John 1:12, cf. SMR Ch. 3), for there is only One with autonomy. Indeed, when truth and love are aspects, this is a wonderful asset for man! A God like that is the very beginning for him, not only of his existence, but of his restoration to significance and blessedness.

There is a way (SMR Ch. 5) which overcomes this flagrant contradiction in man who loves so to trumpet the truth that he tends to forget the silly philosophies which tend to undermine his crowing perch, so that it falls into the fowl-yard, an impotent image of his self-elevation. We see in this reference just how readily the biblical truth and perspective solves chronic problems for the mind of man, and brings coherence and harmony to his various definitive areas of thought and life.

 Indeed, many have been man's ideological and ideational nostrums (cf. SMR Ch. 4, Extension), but they do not work; for they exclude the necessity for him to be what he aspires to be, often with additives beyond the case, in a sort of philosophic euphoria. Philosophy tends to remain a sort of half-dead conference for dead-beat ideas, constantly confronting each other, as a result, innovations often almost like notes on a wheel, constantly coming back as it turn in the waterway, but a little more soiled as it works. Not so the word of God; it constantly resolves issues, and more widely as they multiply in the increasing complexity of his often misaligned living... and dying. It is always adequate. It always covers. This has been found systematically in the studies made - much shown on this site in 222 volumes, over the past 63 years.

Once then God is in view, then the liberty for there to REMAIN the realities to which man has access, but in terms of which his fragile imagination tends to sink him, like an abandoned cruise liner, lying on its splendid side. It awaits a prodigious work for its return to the upright position. In one such case now in hand, the estimated cost to do so is said to be about half a billion.

With man what is required is much greater than that, as spiritual matters are at the peak of man's being. Thus give man a body, a life, myriads of means, and what does he do  ? He thinks. What does he think ? He thinks about things, both high and low, purposive and supportive. In thinking, he makes decisions. In making decisions,  explicitly or otherwise, he erects priorities. Some prefer art, beauty at all cost, peace, a quiet life, a long life, to dragoon others, to be eminent, to be themselves - whatever that may come to be - to be manipulators for the sake of power, to be  slippery to secure things readily, to govern men, to control mankind ... the list goes on.

In so acting, invisible things are eminent. As noted in It Bubbles ... Ch.  9, the purpose is not visible, the thoughts about it are not, and cerebral consequences of thought are not thought, but measurements of some of its effects; the peace sought is not visible, and the peace experienced is not measurable; the love, truth, nobility, faithfulness, rascality that may be sought, from case to case, these are things invisible, mental, moral, spiritual, and this is what is moving man. If his mouth moves him, then that is the invisible priority and the implicit and invisible endorsement. Man is like that; he has a mind, thinks, has invisible expectations, and in his spirit  he demands, desires, and whether with neurotic uncertainty or dashing derring-do, he follows these proclivities, and so acts.

When God is there, the way is open to avoid the limitations of being a self, with such and such genetic, educational, psychological, informative, human-relations background, one with no freedom other than to be what it is, and has come to be. Here, with the deity who made, available, present, operative,  the ground plan is preserved, and the capacities divinely given remain in view (a back-up of an original set-up in a computer bears a distant but helpful analogical relationship to this). Here what is both a limit and a lasso is not applicable, and here man escapes, or is in the running to escape, the prisons of his perceptions, conceptions and conclusions, whether these be profound, but stained, beautiful, but unrealistic, sad and daunted or whatever else may be their current state, amid limits and intoxication with non-truth, which many find most convenient, and many more, cannot escape even in feeling, so becoming cynics (cf. SMR Ch. 3 on this topic).

Here is the answer, in this domain, to the problem of freedom (cf.  SMR Ch. 5). Like a three-year old, too uninformed or undeveloped to make informed decisions at the levels which are crucial, so man is no longer surrendered to occlusive or obstructive formative forces.

The spirit of man which decides, imagines, seeks to confuse or use his mind, is here given access, IF access there be. In other words, here is both the possibility and the potency for man to be kept in the nascency of his meaning and creation, confronted with reality. It does not have to be historical, indeed in that case you are driving a damaged vehicle, in this sense (cf. Ephesians 2). This is in the mind of God - in what in the Predestination and Freewill thesis is called or conceived as HYPOSTASIS - as a presentation of the schema concerned.

God knowing all, able to preserve all, to see  all as it is, to pass beyond and before history, better than any human architect, because in a reality beyond mere circumstance, beholds man, and known to Him before the foundation of the world are His own (Ephesians 1:4). He does not fiddle in the machinery like a novice, but knows all and absolutely before anything begins (cf. Acts 15:18, Revelation 2:8-9, Isaiah 46:8-10). Therefore He is able to implement the biblical platform with certainty, security and penetration beyond history, before it, and over it. Hence to man is here the potential for having his psychic and spiritual identity preserved for operational outcome (as in John 3:19, 3:16, 3:34), with meaning, significance, liberty; and his response to the love of God is known even when, as one paralysed from motion by the incidence of accident, he cannot in and of himself move his (here mental and spiritual) members.

But it is not any entity to be called God that would suffice even for this. So far we see only the potential. The God concerned would need first of all to be actual (as shown to be the case,  in TMR, SMR and other works in this set). Next He would need not to be pre-occupied with His own selfish desires, so that instead of enabling man to have liberty, producing significance and meaning, He might only complicate the situation, like a slave-holder.

You would need a God of love, who seeks the welfare of His image-bearers, to whom freedom is now a nascent possibility, in the schema in view, and here being articulated in a mode of overview of what is known and shown. You would need, for reality to be kept, the God of truth, who does not twist or torment facts, but makes them what they are, whether in category, event or power, and pursues their actuality. You need the God who knows all, so that some technical failure does not inhibit or suppress even a perfectly loving intention! who loves all, so that there is no intrusive, disruptive or deceitful twisting of truth. You need in this God, moreover, justice to be met, for without this, there is the distortion of mere preference, so that reality is moulded by mere power. In the God of the Bible, uniquely in all that purports to be the word of God to man, you have all these things and much more to the point as well.

Since this biblical testimony, this word of God, has, independently of these things, been shown to be the actual and only word of God in systematic and propositional form (as in such works as 

                                      SMR, TMR,





we now have the solution, in adequate terms. It ceases to be theoretical at all; it has become practical as it has been before and during and over all time.

Has He however actually instituted the plan of operation in all openness,which enables these magnificently explicative results ? For that, it is necessary to inspect the Bible to find out. This has been done in such sites as

 SMR Appendix B,

The Glow ... Chs.   4 8,   1,
The Christian Pilgrimage

Great Expectations ... Greater Faith Chs.   7 and   9,

To Know God ... Ch.  1,


The W ay of Truth and the Way of Error
Ch.    7,

Serenity not Serendipity ... Ch. 12

Helpless Hitches ... and Divine Dealings Ch.    2 ,

The Open Door, the Closed Mind and the Call of Christ Ch.     1,

Going with God;

The Uncomprehending Darkness and the Self-Revealing Light Ch.  11 (scope and nature of love of God toward man, sp. ref. Hab. 2:13),

Celestial Harmony for the Terrestrial Host  2, 

Christ's Ineffable Peace and Grace Ch.    2 .

He has done it. His word announces it before and afterwards, history experienced it (cf. SMR Ch. 6, Hapless Hitches ... and Divine Dealings Ch.  8, Bon Voyage Ch. 1), and God declares quite simply that it pleased the Father, having made peace through the blood of the cross, to reconcile all things to Himself, whether in heaven or on earth. That is in Colossians 1:19ff., while in John 3 we find in the outreach of His love to the world, He did not come to condemn it, but that it might be saved, and that the extent and depth of His love toward this end was to be measured in this, that He so loved that He gave His only begotten Son.

The purpose in John 3 is stated, that whoever believes in Him should have eternal life. Thus the motivation, the extent of the outreach with this thrust for this end, both are divinely articulated. God has spoken. As He cannot lie as He clearly states in TItus 1 (it is a thing incompatible with what He is, and would amount to a contradiction in terms cf. Barbs ...   6 and   7), and we are moreover examining the contents of the biblical presentation, then that is the nature of His love and motivation. In parallel,  His power to implement what He wants (here liberty in the precincts of love, without the use of force in this arena, and with divine desire for the reconciliation of all of His creation in His image) is shown equally in such sites as Isaiah 14:27, and Psalm 115, Romans 11:36, Isaiah 43-46.

What then of human liberty ?

God is needed to allow liberty to be actual and not as with the power of man, manipulable, misled and aborted whether in ignorance or folly, aspiration or desperation. For this, God is needed not just to be a being with a name, but to have certain qualities. These two aspects being covered IN THE RELEVANT FEATURES to the point, then the issues of predestination (a help), foreknowledge (the medium, past the limits of history - Romans 9:11), and God acting in terms of this knowledge to bring it to pass in whatever historical situation, whatever eventuation He pleases, so long as the pith is preserved, the principles operative, not only meets the searching criteria required, but actually resolves the looming problems and warring ideas, for truth.

Indeed the issues also of determinism (a pathological proposition, that is one for a dumped situation, which is not the case) and voluntarism are all solved. The extremes of autonomy and determinism for man are both rebuked by the facts in terms of the ACTUAL GOD; and the reason why their tensions outside Him are interminable is equally explained in terms of the facts concerning God and man. In other words, the entire area is seen in its meaning, its inter-relationships, its dynamics with an overview of its confusion; clarity remains. There is no obscurity left. In man, there is indeed a propensity to confusion; but there is neither permission nor need.

Such is the pithy review, the matters being worked out in many places in details. It seemed good however to provide this pith.



Nor is this all. The nature of love in God being shown, the meaning of love in man is known. There is once again a resolution of old canards. No, man is not BY NATURE a selfish ox of a fellow, indulging himself and his pet ides,  and calling it nice names. Nor is he a noble spirit, disdaining pleasure and self-fulfilment. These are pathological possibilities, among many more. Man is born upright, but goes aside on many imaginations of his heart, Solomon declares (Ecclesiastes 7:29).

Indeed, "they have sought out many schemes," is the NASV translation, and a good one too. Schemes ? Their name is legion and many are afflicted with them.

But past all this pollution, in the clear spiritual mountain air of the Lord of creation, what is found in this aspect ? Love is as noble as Christ; God is love (I John 4:7ff.), which means at least that nothing contrary to it in the primary realities of His being is to be found, whatever may be the destination of what ignores, despises or pre-empts against His mercy and so self-distances from that love.

A mink coat is rubbish after being immersed in tar, and if it could, refuses cleansing. Hard ? perhaps impossible ? Yes, but this is illustration. With God, all things are possible, and when from His total oversight, insight and foreknowledge, He makes contingency plans - which, at that, are in this case meeting known actualities to come - then He simply carries them out.

Thus we ramify from liberty, to love, through deity and power, foreknowledge and predestination, and not only is the biblical presentation capable of showing the harmony when the perspective is taken; but it explains the reason for the endless disharmonies to be found in every human system trying to establish explanation. Indeed, as seen, it is only when the actualities are as shown in the Bible, that there CAN be any resolution. But what ? even in science, it is somewhat similar. Actuality is the answer, and when this is known, and a correct perspective informs the scientist, truth meets truth. Similarly, when a scientist or any other professional (often) seeking truth is involved, and yet this one has prejudices not realised, and is bound to dead corpses of irrational ideas within his (or her) actual being, what then ? It is then that liberty for thought is hampered, as if 2 plus 2 MUST equal 3.99, and there is continual trouble. On such misinformation at the outset, the results are not only possible, but necessary, in the negative domain.

When the Bible is followed, as has been shown at length, but here outlined in certain elements which shine like gleaming facets of an integral jewel, then the reverse applies. Not only do particular problems depart in the area of antilogy and antilogism in these fields (cf. Predestination and Freewill Section 4), but their clearance opens the way for still more to be solved. It is as if, on first learning calculus, you see the way to solve not only this problem, but more of certain types of enigmas, and the way becomes much easier. With God however you are TOLD the principles and perspective, of the power and the love and the grace, and so have the model in place, and can determine first hand its facility, and as in LIGHT DWELLS WITH THE LORD'S CHRIST,
there are no residual confusions to find.

It is God only who performs great wonders; and He does it supremely well. Praise Him for His wisdom to match love, and practicality to match principle, propositions to match truth and power to perform such great things as these; even to the practicality of coming among us, in the form of One of us, and giving a millenium of notice (cf. Joyful Jottings 22-25), and more of preliminary reference to this amazing act.




On Christ's bodily resurrection, see Index, and

Great Execrations ... Greater Faith Ch.    7;

The Magnificence of the Messiah, Endnote 1

Dastardly Dynamics ... and Immovable Faith  Ch. 11,

SMR Ch. 6

Barbs ...  Appendix 3

Biblical Blessings Ch. 15, Extended Endnote 2,

Acme, Alpha and Omega: Jesus Christ Ch.  11,

With Heart ... Ch.  3,

NEWS   85.