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This select bibliography is one in which are included:-

1) primarily those works cited in the text by name; but also certain works of cited authors judged especially pertinent to our subject matter

ii) on occasion, a work so presented as to constitute highly relevant perspective: where it is felt useful to our purpose. In addition, original publication dates are given in parenthesis, where this appears needful.

Thomes J.J.  Altizer      THE GOSPEL OF CHRISTIAN ATHEISM  The Westminster Press,
Philadelphia I966

James Bales                    THE GOD-KILLER ? Christian Crusade  Publications, Tulsa, Oklahoma I967

Karl Barth                      CHURCH DOGMATICS T.& T. Clark, Edinburgh
I936-62 (Ed. G. W. Bromiley & T.F. Torrance)

John Burnet                  EARLY GREEK PHILOSOPHY Adam & Charles Slack, 4th. Ed., 1948, London

Gordon H. Clark                1) RELIGION, REASON AND REVELATION  University Series,
Philosophical Studies, The Craig Press, Nutley, New Jersey, I96I

                                            2) THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE AND  BELIEF IN GOD as above, 1964

Lester de Koster            COMMUNISM AND THE CHRISTIAN FAITH William Eerdmans Publ., Grand       Rapids, Michigan, 1962

John  Dewey                   EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION  Collier Macmillan Publ. London 1975 (1938)

Robert Euan Donaldson  1. PREDESTINATION AND FREEWILL, World Wide Web Witness Inc.,
                                           worldwide from Adelaide, Jan. 1997

                                           2. REASON FOR FAITH Unpubl. Chicago 1969

                                           3. PROLEGOMENA AND BOOK ASSSESSMENT IN THE CONTEXT
                                           OF  WHAT MAY BE SEEN AS CENTRAL TO ENGLISH AS A SUBJECT
                                           AND WHAT INDIVIDUAL STUDENTS MAY ACCEPT OR REJECT,
                                           unpubl. assignment submitted at Melbourne University, prior to the present

                                           4. THE SHADOW OF A MIGHTY ROCK (TRILOGY) The Australian
                                           Presbyterian Bible Church Inc. Adelaide, 1992;  2nd and 3rd Editions (3rd
                                           Electronic Edition), worldwide from Adelaide, World Wide Web Witness
                                           Inc. 1994, 1997

                                            5. THAT MAGNIFICENT ROCK World Wide Web Witness Inc. Publ.
                                            worldwide from Adelaide, 1995,  2nd Edition, 1997-8

                                            6. BARBS, ARROWS AND BALMS as above, Adelaide  1998

                                           7. JOYFUL JOTTINGS as above,  Adelaide, 1999

                                            8. A SPIRITUAL POTPOURRI as above, Adelaide, 1997

                                            9. BIBLICAL BLESSINGS as above, Adelaide 1997

                                           10. STEPPING OUT FOR CHRIST as above, Adelaide 1999

                                           11. SPIRITUAL REFRESHINGS FOR THE DIGITAL MILLENUM
                                           as above, Adelaide 1999

                                           12. THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN  as above, Adelaide 1997

                                            13. IN PRAISE OF CHRIST JESUS, as above: 22 volume systematically
                                            related series on Christian Apologetics, including all but No. 3 of the above
                                            and other works Adelaide, 1999

Will Durant                    THE STORY OF PHILOSOPHY  Garden City Publ. Co New York (New and
                                           Rev. Edition) 1938

Committee on Religious Education in Victoria (Education Committee)
                                            RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE
                                           ON RELIGIOUS EDUCATION - also Official Digest of the same), Education Department, State of Victoria, 1974

Duane T. Gish                  THE FOSSILS SAY NO! Creation Life Publishers, San Diego, Cal, 1973
                                          see also: EVOLUTION: THE CHALLENGE OF THE FOSSIL RECORD,
                                          Creation Life Publishers, Master
                                          Books Division, El Cajon, California 1985
                                          and allied, Gary Parker
                                          CREATION THE FACTS OF LIFE CLP Publishers, San Diego Cal. 1980

Margaret Gillett            A HISTORY OF EDUCATION,THOUGHT AND PRACTICE , Macmillan,
                                          Toronto, 1966

                                           An Introductory Survey,  Longmans, Green & Co. London, New York,
                                           Toronto, 14 Impr. 1948 (1931)

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
                                            HEGEL'S PHILOSOPHY OF RIGHT Trans. by F.W.Dyde:  George Bell and
                                           Sons,  I896,  London (I82I)

David Holbrook                1. ENGLISH FOR THE REJECTED  Cambridge at the University Press, I972

                                          2. ENGLISH IN AUSTRALIA NOW  Notes on a Visit to Victoria
  and other States, Penguin Books Ltd.,  Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England I973

 John Holt                     1. HOW CHILDREN FAIL Penguin Books Ltd., as above, 1974 (1964)

                                       2. HOW CHILDREN LEARN   as above, I973 (I967)

 Aldous Huxley                   BRAVE NEW WORLD Penguin Books, as above I969 (I932)

Carl Jung                           I. PSYCHOLOGY OF THE UNCONSCIOUS Kegan Paul, Trench,Trubnor and Co., London, I922

                                            2. PSYCHOLOGICAL TYPES  as above, London,  I923

                                            3. CONTRIBUTIONS TO ANALYTICAL PSYCHOLOGY  as above,
                                            London 1928

                                            4. MODERN MAN IN SEARCH OF A SOUL  Routledge and Kegan Paul
                                             Ltd., London, 1949 (1933)

                                            ( Tr. Thomes Kingsmill Abbott,) Longsmans, 19th. Ed., New Impression
                                            London 1962

                                             2.  CRITIQUE OF PRACTICAL REASON,AND FIRST PART OF
                                             THE PHILOSOPHICAL THEORY OF RELIGION:
                                             KANT'S CRITIQUE OF PRACTICAL REASON
                                            and Other   Works  on the Theory  of Ethics    Trans. as above; Longmans,
                                            6th. Ed..
                                             3.   CRITIQUE OF PURE REASON:
                                             IMMANUEL KANT'S CRITIQUE OF PURE REASON  ( Trans.  Norman
                                             Kemp Smith): Macmillan, 1st. Ed., 2nd Impression, 5th. Reprint, 1961

 SØran Kierkegaard        I. THE PRESENT AGE (Trans. Alexander Dru), Fontana Library,
Collins I962 (I846)
                                           2. A KIERKEGAARD ANTHOLOGY (Ed. Robert Bretall)
                                           The Modern Library,  Random House 1946

 Herbert Kohl                   1. 36 CHILDREN Penguin Education, Penguin Books, Ltd. as above, England 1975 (1967)
                                          2. READING,   HOW TO Penguin as above  I975 ( I973)

                                          RENAISSANCE Frank Case & Co,   London I968  (1903)

                                          University Press I972

 C. S. Lewis                1. BEYOND PERSONALITY Geoffrey Bles,  Second Reprint, London    1945

                                        2. TRANSPOSITION AND OTHER ADDRESSES Geoffrey Bles, Reprint, London  1949
                                        3. MERE CHRISTIANITY Fontana Books 6th  Impression, London &  Glasgow  I959
                                        4. THE GREAT DIVORCE Geoffrey Bles:The Centenary Press, London I945

                                        5. CHRISTIAN REFLECTIONS Geoffrey Bles, London 1957

                                        6. GOD IN THE DOCK - Essays in Theology and Ethics London 1967

                                    7. THAT HIDEOUS STRENGTH William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,
                                       Grand Rapids, Michigan, 2nd.Printing I972 , Pan Books Ltd., London and
                                       Sydney, 1974, 13th. Printing (1945)

Norman Macbeth      DARWIN RETRIED     Gambit Incorporated, Boston I971

J. Gresham Machen     1. THE ORIGIN OF PAUL'S RELIGION William B., Eerdmans Publishing
                                       Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1947
                                       2. THE CHRISTIAN FAITH IN THE MODERN WORLD
                                       Eerdmans as above, 1965 lst.paperback  U.S. Edition ( I936)

                                        3. CHRISTIANITY AND LIBERALISM Victory Press, London 1923

 Muhammad              THE QURAN Curzon Press Ltd., Londm (Arabic  text with a new translation by
                                       Muhammed Zefrulla Khan) 1971

 Alexander Meiklejohn  EDUCATION BETWEEN TWO WORLDS Harper & Bros,  New York &
                                        London  1942

                                      OF WOMEN:THREE ESSAYS World Classics Edition, O.U.P. London, 1960
                                      (On Liberty, 1859).

Henry M, Morris      THE TROUBLED WATERS OF EVOLUTION Creation Life Publishers, San
                                      Diego.  Cal., I976

Friedrich W. Nietzsche THUS SPAKE ZARATHUSTRA     J.M.Dent & Sons Ltd.  London
                                      I946 (I883-189I)

Prof. Heribut Nilsson  SYNTHETISCHE ARTBILDUNG    Evolution Protest Movement,
                                      English Summary (North America) 1973

 George Orwell         NINETEEN EIGHTY FOUR Seeker and Warburg, london 1959 ( I949)

 Nicholas Otty           LEARNER TEACHER Penguin Education, Penguin Books Ltd.,
                                      Harmondsworth, Middlesex. England, 1973

                                     The Complete Guide to Scriptural Predictions and Their Fulfilment
                                     Hodder and Stoughton,  London, Sydney, Auckland, Toronto 1973

Jean Piaget                 THE ORIGINS OF INTELLIGENCE IN CHILDREN (Trans. by Margaret
                                     Cook), The Norton Library, W.W.Norton and Co., New York 1963 (1952)

Max Planck              THE PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICS  (trans. W.H. Johnston) - George Allen and
                                      Unwin, London I936

Jean Jacques
Rousseau                     THE SOCIAL CONTRACT [and] Discourses (Trans. with intro. by G.D.H.Cole)
                                      Dent, London,  I913

Jean Paul Sartre          EXISTENTIALISM AND HUMANISM   Methuen,5th. Reprint of Ist.
                                      English Edition, l948

Francis Schaeffer     1. THE GOD WHO IS THERE   Inter-Varsity Press, Chicago, 1969

                                      2. ESCAPE FROM REASON  1969  as above,  1968

                                      3. HE IS THERE AND HE IS NOT SILENT  Hodder and Stoughton,  London,
                                      Sydney, Auckland,Toronto

                                      4.  GENESIS IN SPACE AND TIME  as above: I973

                                      5.  THE CHURCH BEFORE THE WATCHING WORLD
                                      Inter-Varsity Press,  London, 1972

                                      6.  TRUE SPIRITUALITY  Hodder and Stoughton, London, Sydney,
                                     Auckland, Toronto

                                      7. HOW THEN SHOULD WE LIVE ?  The Rise and decline of Western
                                      Thought and Culture  Fleming H.Revell Co., Old Tappan, New Jersey 1976

Schopenhauer          ON HUMAN NATURE     Essays (PartlyPosthumous) in Ethics and Politics
                                     Selected and Trans. T. Bailey Saunders: Swan Sonnenschein and Co., London,
                                     New York, Macmillan Co., 1899

Albert Schweitzer    THE QUEST OF THE HISTORICAL JESUS  Adam & Charles Black,
                                     London I945

A. E. Wilder Smith      MAN'S ORIGIN,  MAN'S DESTINY  Harold Shaw, Publishers, Wheaton,
                                    Illinois, 1968

The Members          THE INFALLIBLE WORD, A Symposium   William B. Eerdmans, Grand Rapids,
of the  Faculty of         Michigan  1953 (1946)

The Bible                 THE INTERLINEAR BIBLE      Oxford University Press, 1898
                                           THE AUTHORISED VERSION
                                            THE REVISED VERSION
Writers under divine
inspiration - rendered
by varied translators

The Victorian
Government           THE CONSTITUTION ACT, Vol III, Government Printer,
                                   Victorian Statutes of I958 ( for Govt.)

 Robert Ulich          HISTORY OF EDUCATIONAL THOUGHT American Book Co.,
                                   NewYork,  Cincinatti, Chicago, Boston, Atlanta, Dallas, San Francisco
                                   1950  (I945)

Cornellus Van Til       I.  CHRISTIAN THEISTIC EVIDENCES  Class Syllabus, Westminster
                                   Theological Seminary, Chestnut Hill,Philadelphia ( special rights reserved) I953

                                    2. CHRISTIAN THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE  - as above, I954

                                    3. APOLOGETICS  as above, I962

                                    4.  HAS KARL BARTH BECOME ORTHODOX?
                                    The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., Philadelphla, Penn.I969

                                    5. CHRISTIANITY AND BARTHIANISM  as above, I962

                                    6.  THE DEFENSE OF THE FAITH   as above (Revised and abridged) I963

 Edited by:                   LEGAL PERSONALITY AND POLITICAL PLURALISM Melbourne University
 Leicester C. Webb    Press, on behalf of the Australian National  University, 1956

 Harold J. Whitney    I. THE NEW "MYTH"-OLOGY  Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing
                                   Co., Nutley, New Jersey

                                   2. CHRIST IN CONFLICT I969   Jordan Books Ltd., Punchbowl, N.S.W. I964

                                   3. THE NEW INFALLIBILITY   H. J.Whitney. Illawarraw, N.S.W. I974

 Edward J. Young    THY WORD IS TRUTH   The Banner of TruthTrust, London 1963 (1957)


 Brenda Cohen        EDUCATIONAL THOUGHT Macmilllan, London I969

 Walton Hannah      1. DARKNESS VISIBLE Britons Publishing Co.
                                 A Revelation and Interpretation  of Freemasonry, London I96I
                                 2. CHRISTIAN BY DEGREES   as above, London 1964

R. Laird Harris       INSPIRATION AND CANUNICITY OF THE BIBLE Zondervan Publishing
                                Co., Grand Rapids,  Michigan I957

 C.E.M. Joad          GUIDE TO PHILOSOPHY Gollancz, London  I936

                                Unpublished Class MSS  as at I967: Covenant Theological Seminary,
                                St.  Louis Missouri

 Karl Marx and
Friedrich Engels    COMMUNIST MANIFESTO Foreign Language Publ., Moscow I957 (I848)

 A.S. Neill            SUMMERHILL   Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, Middlesex,England
                               I975 ( I926)

 Plato                     THE COLLECTED DIALOGUES OF PLATO Princeton, University
                               INCLUDING THE LETTERS - Ed. Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns,
                               Princeton, New Jersey I96I

 Sundry Writers    THE HOLY BIBLE - The Greater Light
                               in Freemasonry  Copyright: Dates 1924,25,29,30,32,33,35,39,40,52,53 and 1957
                               A.J. Holman Company, Philadelphia