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It was lost. Everywhere we looked, each formal possibility had been investigated. What we sought was lost; it could not be found everywhere. Perhaps in some momentary inspiration, it could be found here, however, or even there.

After much searching, there were still one or two possibilities, but these too yielded nothing.

Its features no more appeared.

Now if we had, instead, been searching for something never yet found in the whole history of man, never regarded, far less explained, our searches would quickly change their character.

In the end, we would be searching for what was the work of another universe, itself not found - for an item in another overall mould, where what happened in ours was unknown or discarded for some other system. .

That would become a work of creation, and persistence in the ASSUMPTION that there was such a universe, without its appearance, or its ways, in the end becomes a work of imagination; and where causes were assumed which were not to be FOUND in our universe, were postulated,  this then becomes without the slightest abuse, a fairy tale universe. Such is the position with the baneful, and rhapsodic teaching of the concepts of building in sequence to achieve a unitarily definable complexity, with discoverable laws of its own, without direction, just in terms of the various kinds of building blocks, each taken in hand to be consonant, integrated with the others, for a joint and smooth running whole.

You do not find this empirically. Here things have to be adequate for their results, whether or not the work of purpose. The box is empty.  The lost universe, it does not show itself, even with the utmost prompting. The new laws of causality, which enable one type of system to produce another down to its most precise proportions and Interlocking functions, rather than just relate if they are able in terms of some supervening overall system, does not exist empirically. Mental things may make material things conform to the vision of the mind; but material things are not found to make mental things their systems, or spiritual decisions their lairs. Things do not work that way in systematic harmony. That, it is all in the mind, the fairy tale mind. When I was young, there was a book called Grave Fairy Tales, and this, the work of religion slapping scientists (a sub-group of scientists) in the main, is another of them.

The appalling blight is, like some mental virus, that it is not called Fairy Taleology, or The Systematics of the Imagination; but it is linked blithely and with shameless but not shamless indiscipline, to science. Here is the experiment that never once succeeds; the observation that never once is founded on observable happening; the underlying laws of which are never inscribable: as Karl Popper put it, there is no law of evolution.

A Lawless Phenomenon, it is used to outlaw a logical universe, its great maw crammed full of hopes never fulfilled, chimeras ceaselessly destroyed, aspirations sourced where logic does not provide an answer, while what is adequate for the ACTUALITIES and FACTUALITIES of WHAT WE FIND and the laws we DO find to work, is disdained as if there were some kind of logical apartheid.

The Worker who worked the universe we have with its laws, its energy source, its inscribed ordinances, far from being caused by nothing, caused all, as their eternal basis. To enter reality you need to be built or to be eternal. To be built in THIS case, means something before you to do it; and however great the result, so is that which had to precede. It has to be eternal, since to produce IT as well as a universe, would simply extend the requirements for what was always there. Nothing - is not a logical option.

The Effective, Eternal Cause, however, is. It cannot be a product, since this merelyl makes the requirements the more absolute and total. In the end, nothing becomes without first being, and nothing as the first leaves out one little logical item: THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.

Neither thinking about it, nor talking about it, nor giving to some Ph.D.s for doing so, can breach the realities of reason, causality or reason let loose in logic and empirical facts jointly in our universe. Built on the rock of nothing, the organic evolutionary presupposition is just a nightmare in words, a meaningless combination of verbal antithesis and antilogy, an anti-hallelujah chorus with neither god nor man, truth nor reality, the observable nor the coherent available for the choristers, who sing on nevertheless with anti-inspiration. The whole trouble is that there is nothing to it: where there is in actuality an infinitude of unbreachable productivity to what remains in wilful bibulousness, dismissed as intolerable.

But if you cannot tolerate the truth, how can you be effective teaching children, youth or the young ? And if you want to both limit and enable nothing, what is the point of allowing your sophisticated spiritual séances loose in the schools!

It is monstrous for man to ask WHY (as members of our race sometimes do) God allows all the evil, when the evil is perpetually in more and more brash, irrational innovation, free both of proof and observation, of logic and testability at any available level, framed by man and then forced down millions of youthful throats, as likewise into international warfare ideologies such as those of Hitler and Stalin, and more recent mesmerised among the mighty, while unspeakable atrocities are attributed to the work of some unknown god, unknown because given no rational support or testimony for such unspeakable evils. That, to attribute such things to him, or his ilk, is the uttermost of insult, presumption and of the testimony, in the very face of the Gospel, which He has so superabundantly attested (cf. SMR, TMR Ch. 1 and the rest).